Aberdeen School

Welcome to Aberdeen School

Kia Ora and welcome to Aberdeen School

Aberdeen staff, students and families/whānau have a strong sense of pride in our school.  We strive for excellence in all that we do: working together to understand, develop and empower our students and to achieve the best outcomes in their education as lifelong learners.

Aberdeen School is a large contributing primary school in Hamilton, New Zealand.  We accept new enrolments from residents of our school zone as they become eligible throughout the year.  Aberdeen School is a member of the He Waka Eke Noa Kāhui Ako.

At Aberdeen we have very capable, supportive, professional staff who work hard to provide quality teaching and learning programmes for our students.   Along with the excellent programmes of learning in the various curriculum areas, students are involved in a wide range of activities that include: Sports, celebrating the Arts and Drama, Science/Engineering, Languages, Music, Kapa haka and Pasifika culture and activities that promote Leadership.  With strong links to our community, we enjoy celebrating our students' achievements and success. 

Lesley Lomas